Yes, now you can demote the King's English a few notches down the monarchical hierarchy...
to The Artist Formerly Known As Prince's English!
This is a quick hack (30 minutes) in MS QuickBasic that converts plain text files into Price-speak; "to you" becomes 2U; "You are in too deep" = U R N 2 dEp; "Someone to be my authority" will be Some1 2 B my authoriT...well, you get the idea.
I got the idea from Douglas Coupland's Microserfs (thanks, Cyn !), where a similar emulator was mentioned as a joke.
To use it, merely run it and select a plain text file in the dialog box. A new file will be created in the same folder as that file; it'll have the same name + ".TAFKAP" on the end.
The only stipulation is that the program must be in the same folder as the file called "Tafkap rules."
If you want to customize the way the Tafkapulator substitutes words and symbols, edit the "Tafkap rules" file by typing the phrase to be located, a comma, and then the phrase or symbol to substitute. The phrase to substitute MUST, MUST, MUST be shorter than (or exactly as long as) the search phrase.
Please don't distribute this in altered form. If you like it, please send me $1.00 (C'mon, one lousy buck).